There are loads of sports massage products on the market ranging in price from really cheap to really expensive. As is the case throughout our store, we've scoured the market and brought together a curated range of high quality products that we've tested and can vouch for, at a reasonable price.

All of them are available here on our online store and also in our physical shop in Haddington, so you can literally just pop in and get them. 

So which is best for you?

The type of product you need depends on the problem you're looking to solve, so we've broken them info different categories.

1. Foam Rollers

Foam rollers are ideal if you're trying to work out tightness in larger muscle groups. To use them, you put them on the ground, lay your body over the top and roll up and down the area you're targeting to massage the muscles and encourage them to release and lengthen. It can be a bit uncomfortable but it's worth it!

  • Fitness Mad Foam Roller
    This smooth finished roller is made with a firm dense foam. It has been a go to for local swim squads and athletes for years, and is available in 45cm or 90cm lengths. The smooth finish means you get a nice equal pressure across your target area. We recommend this roller to anyone but especially to folks just starting out. The longer length means it's really easy to use without rolling off the side!

  • UF 2-in-1 Massage Roller. This roller is 32cm long and includes 2 styles of massage roller - the outer roller is a firmer EVA/ABS roller with a segmented style of surface, making it great for getting right into tight and stiff muscles. The inner roller is made from foam. This will still give you a good massage but this one is a smooth surface and not quite as firm.